
The Marine and Yachting Association of Grenada (MAYAG) is an active business association that provides valuable services to members. We support our Members by:

  • Lobbying for legal and regulatory changes that will improve the business climate in Grenada.
  • Communicate our industry’s needs to decision makers, and ensure that our industry is included and considered in policy development.
  • Facilitate communication among industry related businesses to support the overall growth of the sector.
  • Market the Grenada Marine Industry internationally and locally to the various yachting sectors, as well as educating the Grenadian population to the value of the Yachting Industry here.
  • Support members with particular issues and problems where appropriate.
  • Support local and international events so that our members’ companies are highlighted.

In the past few years, having been able to secure donor funding, we were able to:

  • Carry out an Economic Impact Assessment to provide the evidence to show how valuable the sector is for Grenada;
  • Produce a training strategy that we are now gearing up to implement in conjunction with the National Training Agency
  • Produce a Marketing Plan that we shall implement with support from GTA.
  • Introduce “SailClear”, a computerised system for yachts to clear in and out.
  • More recently we have been very active representing the sector’s position with regard to Marine Protected Areas, in particular trying to ensure that the measures being proposed by the Fisheries Department do not adversely impact Members’ businesses.